Carpenter 1931
Diagnosis (Adapted from Webb et al., 1975): Wings with clear background color and margined crossveins. Apical band broken up with small pale spots. Pterostigmal band indistinct. Marginal spots absent. Male terminalia dark yellow. Ninth tergum truncate apically. Basistyle broad. Hypovalve broad, almost reaching base of dististyle, acuminate apically. Ventral paramere elongate, narrow, unbranched, reaching slightly beyond base of dististyle. Dististyle smaller than basistyle.
Panorpa acuta was formerly known from the Appalachian Mountains plus a supposedly disjunct population in the northern lower peninsula of Michigan (Thornhill and Johnson 1974; Webb et al. 1975). The Ontario collections reported here represent the first published records of this species between the Appalachians and Michigan, although Aranguren’s (1987) unpublished thesis also records it from southern Ontario and Quebec. We have found P. acuta at only two localities in Ontario, (Orwell and Wawanosh; see map). Specimens were collected from May to June.