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Interactive HTML-based Dichotomous Key to Female Rhinonyssidae
(Mesostigmata) from Birds in Canada

CJAI 09 January 25, 2010
doi: 10.3752/cjai.2010.09

Wayne Knee*, and Heather Proctor**

* Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Department of Biology, 209 Nesbitt Bldg, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6. wknee@connect.carleton.ca **University of Alberta, Department of Biological Sciences, CW 405 Biological Sciences Building, Edmonton AB, T6G 2E9. hproctor@ualberta.ca

Key to females of Sternostoma species known from Canada:

1. One dorsal shield, sternal setae large, proximally inflated blunt tipped spines Sternostoma technaui
- Two dorsal shields, sternal setae minute spines 2
2. Apical setal pair on palp tarsus proximally inflated, medially constricted and distally flattened, in form of a T with an inflated base. Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral and ventrolateral setae relatively long spines Sternostoma longisetosae
- Apical setal pair on palp tarsus long spines, short spines, or short bulbs, not T-like. Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral and ventrolateral setae either relatively long spines or otherwise 3
3. Tarsus IV anterodorsal apical seta long prominently swollen spike with flexible tip. Tarsi II - IV subapical ventral setal pair short blunt tipped stout spines, especially noticeable on tarsus IV Sternostoma porteri
- Tarsus IV anterodorsal apical seta not swollen, long hair-like. Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral setal pair either short blunt tipped stout spines or otherwise 4
4. Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral setal pair short blunt tipped stout spines, especially noticeable on tarsus IV. Postanal seta present Sternostoma hylandi
- Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral setal pair otherwise. Postanal seta absent 5
5. Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral setal pair short flattened setae with rounded tips. No setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument Sternostoma boydi
- Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral setal pair otherwise. One or more pairs of setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument 6
6. Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral and ventrolateral setae relatively long spines. More than three pairs of setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument Sternostoma setifer
- Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral and ventrolateral setae otherwise. Fewer than three pairs of setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument 7
7. Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral and ventrolateral setae minute spines, barely visible. Two pairs of setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument Sternostoma tracheacolum
- Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral and ventrolateral setae variously modified, not minute spines. One or two pairs of setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument 8
8. Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral and ventrolateral setae hook-like short spines. Two pairs of setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument Sternostoma laniorum
- Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral and ventrolateral setae distally inflated setae. One or two pairs of setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument 9
9. Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral and ventrolateral setae distally inflated symmetrical setae. Two pairs of setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument. Paranal setae at level with anal opening Sternostoma cryptorhynchum
- Tarsi II – IV subapical ventral and ventrolateral setae distally inflated asymmetrical setae. One pair of setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument. Paranal setae posterior to anal opening 10
10. One pair of setae and one pair of pores in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument Sternostoma loxiae
- One pair of setae in dorsal opisthosomal unsclerotized integument Sternostoma sialiphilus

| Introduction | Materials and Methods | Results and Discussion | Keys | References | PDF 63.2 MB | Cite this Article |