ISSN 1911-2173

Addendum: New Horse Fly Distribution Records (Diptera: Tabanidae) from New Brunswick, Canada and Two Further Records of Tabanus subniger from Ontario

Addendum to CJAI 08 & CJAI 13

Anthony W. Thomas

Fredericton, New Brunswick (

Addendum: New Horse Fly Distribution Records (Diptera: Tabanidae) from New Brunswick, Canada and Two Further Records of Tabanus subniger from Ontario

Addendum: New Horse Fly Distribution Records (Diptera: Tabanidae) from New Brunswick, Canada and Two Further Records of Tabanus subniger from Ontario

Addendum to CJAI 08 & CJAI 13

Anthony W. Thomas

Fredericton, New Brunswick (


Hurlburt, D., T. Herman, S. Hubley, K. Marshall, and P. Taylor. 2008. Invertebrates as sentinels of peatland heath and landscape integrity in southwest Nova Scotia. Draft Report.

Teskey, H.J. 1990. The Insects and Arachnids of Canada. Part 16. The Horse Flies and Deer Flies of Canada and Alaska. Diptera: Tabanidae. Publication 1838. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa. 381 pp.

Thomas, A. 2011. Tabanidae of Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains 2: a photographic key to the species of Tabaninae (Diptera: Tabanidae). Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 13. doi:10.3752/cjai.2011.13

Thomas, A.W. and Marshall S.A. 2009. Tabanidae of Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains I: A photographic key to the species of Chrysopsinae and Pangoniinae (Diptera: Tabanidae). Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 8. doi:10.3752/cjai.2009.08


Hurlburt, D., T. Herman, S. Hubley, K. Marshall, and P. Taylor. 2008. Invertebrates as sentinels of peatland heath and landscape integrity in southwest Nova Scotia. Draft Report.

Teskey, H.J. 1990. The Insects and Arachnids of Canada. Part 16. The Horse Flies and Deer Flies of Canada and Alaska. Diptera: Tabanidae. Publication 1838. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa. 381 pp.

Thomas, A. 2011. Tabanidae of Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains 2: a photographic key to the species of Tabaninae (Diptera: Tabanidae). Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 13. doi:10.3752/cjai.2011.13

Thomas, A.W. and Marshall S.A. 2009. Tabanidae of Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains I: A photographic key to the species of Chrysopsinae and Pangoniinae (Diptera: Tabanidae). Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 8. doi:10.3752/cjai.2009.08

Addenda & Corrigenda are published notes updating previous CJAI volumes. They are not subjected to formal peer-review, but must pass editorial approval prior to being accepted and published.