Corrigendum to CJAI 40
Heather Proctor
Morgan Jackson
CJAI Editorial Board
Corrigendum to CJAI 40
Heather Proctor
Morgan Jackson
CJAI Editorial Board
Following publication of Pelletier & Hébert (2019), critical issues with couplet numbering in the identification key were brought to the attention of the CJAI editorial team. Upon review, we have decided to make these changes to the HTML version of the key, clearly indicating which couplets have been changed, while maintaining the original PDF version as it was initially published. This decision to
conserve the original PDF as the version of record was made due to the stipulations of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature surrounding publication of new taxa names.
The following corrections to the identification key have been made to the HTML version, but remain unchanged in the published PDF version and should be noted by users:
1) Couplet 64’: Incorrectly directs users to Couplet 70; should instead direct users to Couplet 69.
2) Couplet 67’: Incorrectly directs users to Couplet 69; should instead direct users to Couplet 68.
3) Couplet 74’: Incorrectly directs users to Couplet 82; should instead direct users to Couplet 83.
4) Couplet 107’: Incorrectly directs users to Couplet 114; should instead direct users to Couplet 115.
5) Couplet 108’: Incorrectly directs users to Couplet 112; should instead direct users to Couplet 113.
Pelletier, G., Hébert C. 2019. The Cryptophagidae of Canada and the northern United States of America. Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 40: 305 pp. doi:10.3752/cjai.2019.40
Addenda & Corrigenda are published notes updating previous CJAI volumes. They are not subjected to formal peer-review, but must pass editorial approval prior to being accepted and published.