Jason J. Dombroskie
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. T6G 2E9,Canada. dombrosk@ualberta.ca.
Jason J. Dombroskie
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. T6G 2E9,Canada. dombrosk@ualberta.ca.
Despite being ecologically, economically, and scientifically important as well as a relatively well known group of insects, the order Lepidoptera can be difficult for non-experts to identify reliably. The matrix-based key presented here provides an easy and reliable way to identify the more difficult groups of adult Lepidoptera using a standard dissecting microscope. The key allows identification to the level of subfamily or tribe for most Canadian Lepidoptera, includes 222 taxa, and uses 73 characters with 266 character states. Taxon pages covering the diversity, diagnosis, and taxonomic references of each taxon accompany the identification key.
Thyris maculata Photo by Jason J. Dombroskie
How to Run Key
Lepidoptera of Canada key was developed in the XID platform. A Microsoft Windows based machine is required in order to use this key. For instructions on how to run the key see below.
1. First download the Lepidoptera of Canada XID key here.
2. Extract files by right clicking on the zip file and selecting extract all. Follow the automated extraction process.
3. Once the extraction process has completed run the XID software by double clicking on the XID.exe file.
4. Select the Lepidoptera of Canada key and click on 'Open XID database'.
Dombroskie, J.J. 2011. A Matrix Key to Families, Subfamilies and Tribes of Lepidoptera of Canada. Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification No. 17, 19 July 2011, available online at doi: 10.3752/cjai.2011.17