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Identification Atlas of the Vespidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) of the northeastern Nearctic region
Matthias Buck, Stephen A. Marshall, and David K.B. Cheung
Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1
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20. Euodynerus annectens (de Saussure, 1870)
Species recognition. This species is easily recognisable because of the ivory markings combined with a black metanotum and virtually impunctate tergum 1 (other ivory-marked Euodynerus species have a pale-banded metanotum and punctate tergum 1). The only other large, stout-bodied, pale-marked Eumeninae with strongly infuscate wings (E. bidens, Monobia quadridens, Pseudodynerus quadrisectus) also lack the apical fascia of tergum 2.
Variation (mostly after Bequaert 1936). Fore wing length 10–13.5 mm (♂♂), 13.5–14 mm (♀♀). Female clypeus with a pair of widely separated ivory dorsal spots, sometimes also with a pair of preapical spots. Interantennal spot usually absent in female, present in male and sometimes extending to clypeus. Pairs of ivory spots of scutellum and propodeal dorsum sometimes absent in male. Apical fascia of tergum 3 complete, reduced to lateral spots or absent.
Distribution. Not recorded from Canada. Eastern U.S.: VA to FL (Krombein 1979).
Biology. The only described nest had a diameter of about 6 cm, was made of coarse sandy clay with a few larger grains of up to 2.5 mm diameter, contained 21 radially oriented cells and was attached to the fork of a twig. Prey has not been recorded (Clark and Sandhouse 1936).
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