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Identification Atlas of the Vespidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) of the northeastern Nearctic region
Matthias Buck, Stephen A. Marshall, and David K.B. Cheung
Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1
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62. Stenodynerus oculeus (Robertson, 1901)
Species recognition. This is one of three species in the genus with an eyelid-like swelling behind the mid ocellus. It differs from the other two species (S. pulvinatus and S. blepharus) as follows: clypeus finely punctate (not coarsely punctate); interantennal spot of male elongate, extending to clypeus ventrally (not about as long as wide and restricted to area above interantennal prominence); sternum 2 with punctures of anterolateral corners distinctly smaller than posteromedian ones (not subequal in size); sternum 2 often with a pair of discal spots in male and sometimes in female (always absent in the other two species). Further diagnostic characters are given in the key.
Variation. Fore wing length 5.0–5.5 mm (♂♂), 5.5–6.5 mm (♀♀). Variation otherwise not studied.
Distribution. Not recorded from Canada. Eastern U.S.: NY south to FL, west to MN and TX (Krombein 1979). The reddish form from GA and FL is the nominate subspecies; the more widespread yellowish form is ssp. illinoensis (Robertson, 1901).
Biology. Unknown.
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