ISSN 1911-2173


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Identification Atlas of the Vespidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) of the northeastern Nearctic region

CJAI 05, February 19, 2008
doi: 10.3752/cjai.2008.05

Matthias Buck, Stephen A. Marshall, and David K.B. Cheung

Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1

Appendix 2: Image data (concl.)

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C. Taxonomic treatment (concl.)



69. Polistes annularis

C69.1. ♀, NC: Gates Co., no precise locality.

C69.2. ♂, TN: Hamilton Co., East Ridge, [Elise] Chapin Sanctuary (CNCI).

C69.3. ♀, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C69.4. ♀, LA: St. Tammany Parish, Pearl River Wildlife Area.

C69.5. ♂, MD: Montgomery Co., Glen Echo (ROME).

C69.6. ♀ live, FL: Alachua Co., Payne’s Prairie St. Pk. (© S. McCann, see also Bugguide).

70. Polistes aurifer

C70.1. ♂, AB: Ralston.

C70.2. ♀, UT: Salt Lake Co., Red Butte Canyon (ROME).

C70.3. ♀, BC: Okanagan Valley, Osoyoos.

C70.4. ♂, AB: Ralston.

C70.5. ♀ live, MT: Sanders Co., Thompson Falls (© L. Schimming, see also Bugguide).

71. Polistes bellicosus

C71.1. ♀, MD: Anne Arundel Co., Milt’s Pit 4 mi SW Davidsonville.

C71.2. ♂, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C71.3. ♀, MD: Wicomico Co., 5 mi SE Salisbury, Bear Swamp Rd.

C71.4. ♀, MD: Anne Arundel Co., Milt’s Pit 4 mi SW Davidsonville.

C71.5. ♂, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C71.6. ♀ live, SC: Charleston Co., Cape Romain N.W.R., Bull Island.

C71.7. ♀ live, SC: Charleston Co., Cape Romain N.W.R., Bull Island.

C71.8. ♂ live, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

72. Polistes carolina

C72.1. ♀, TX: Angelina Co., Angelina Natl. For. E of Zavalla, Boykin Springs.

C72.2. ♂, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C72.3. ♀, NC: Gates Co., no precise locality.

C72.4. ♀, NC: Bladen Co., Singletary Lk.

C72.5. ♂, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C72.6–7. ♀ live, GA: Ware Co., no precise locality (© J.N. Dell, see also Bugguide: left, right).

73. Polistes dominicus

C73.1. ♀, Barbados: Sayes Court Agricultural Stn.

C73.2. ♀, Montserrat: Plymouth.

C73.3. ♀, St. Lucia, no precise locality.

74. Polistes dominula

C74.1. ♀, ON: Kent Co., Wheatley Prov. Pk.

C74.2. ♂, ON: Essex Co., Ojibway Prairie.

C74.3. ♀, ON: Kent Co., Wheatley Prov. Pk.

C74.4. ♂, ON: Essex Co., Windsor, Ojibway Prairie.

C74.5. ♀, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C74.6. ♂, ON: Waterloo Co., Blair.

C74.7. ♀ live, ON: Hamilton-Wentworth Reg., Copetown.

C74.8. ♀ live, ON: Wellington Co., Fergus.

75. Polistes dorsalis

C75.1. ♀, FL: Miami-Dade Co., Homestead.

C75.2. ♂, FL: Miami-Dade Co., Homestead.

C75.3. ♀, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C75.4. ♀, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C75.5. ♂, FL: Miami-Dade Co., Homestead.

C75.6. ♀ live, FL: St. Lucie Co., no precise locality (© J. Hollenbeck, see also Bugguide).

C75.7. ♀ live, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C75.8. ♂ live, FL: Ft. Lauderdale Co., no precise locality (© C. Weber, see also Bugguide).

76. Polistes exclamans

C76.1. ♀, NC: Wake Co., Raleigh.

C76.2. ♂, ON: York Reg., Weston.

C76.3. ♀, TX: Cameron Co., Brownsville.

C76.4. ♂, ON: York Reg., Weston.

C76.5. ♀, TX: Val Verde Co., Seminole Canyon State Hist. Pk. (ROME).

C76.6. ♂, NC: Wake Co., Raleigh.

C76.7. ♀ live, MD: Worcester Co., Assateague I. (© R. Orr).

C76.8. ♀ live, TX: Travis Co., Austin (© B. Malow, see also Bugguide).

77. Polistes fuscatus

C77.1. ♀, ON: Simcoe Co., Midland.

C77.2. ♀, VA: Giles Co., Bald Knob, 1 km S Mountain Lake.

C77.3. ♀, DE: New Castle Co., Augustine Beach.

C77.4. ♀, ON: Halton Reg., Oakville.

C77.5. ♂, ON: Guelph.

C77.6. ♂, MD: Worcester Co., Mt. Olive Church Rd. S Colbourne.

C77.7. ♀, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C77.8. ♂, ON: Essex Co., Point Pelee.

C77.9. ♀, ON: Wellington Co., Arkell.

C77.10. ♀, ON: Essex Co., Point Pelee Natl Pk.

C77.11. ♀, NC: Gates Co., no precise locality.

C77.12. ♂, ON: Guelph.

C77.13. ♂♀ live, FL: Marion Co., Sunnyhill (© J. Hollenbeck, see also Bugguide).

C77.14. ♀ live, ON: Grey Co., Owen Sound.

C77.15. ♂ live, ON: Wellington Co., Fergus.

78. Polistes metricus

C78.1. ♀, FL: Highlands Co., Archbold Biol. Stn., Lake Annie.

C78.2. ♂, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C78.3. ♀, NC: Bladen Co., Bladen St. Forest.

C78.4. ♀, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C78.5. ♂, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C78.6. ♂♀ live, LA: Ascension Parish, no precise locality (© P. Babin, see also Bugguide).

C78.7. ♀ live, SC: Charleston Co., Cape Romain N.W.R., Bull Island.

C78.8. ♂ live, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

79. Polistes perplexus

C79.1. ♀, TX: Angelina Co., Boykin Springs in Angelina Natl. For. E of Zavalla.

C79.2. ♂, KY: Rowan Co., Morehead (CNCI).

C79.3. ♀, TX: Angelina Co., Boykin Springs in Angelina Natl. For. E of Zavalla.

C79.4. ♀, AR: Logan Co., Ozark Natl. Forest, 6.6 km E Hwy 309 (ROME).

C79.5. ♂, KY: Rowan Co., Moorehead (CNCI).

C79.6. ♀ live, TX: Travis Co., Austin (© B. Grizzard, see also Bugguide).

80. Polistes sp. A

C80.1. ♀, IL: Champaign Co., Champaign (CNCI).

C80.2. ♂, MD: Anne Arundel Co., Milt’s Pit 4 mi SW Davidsonville.

C80.3. ♀, SC: Pickens Co., Clemson (CNCI).

C80.4. ♂, MD: Anne Arundel Co., Milt’s Pit 4 mi SW Davidsonville.

C80.5. ♀, IL: Champaign Co., Champaign (CNCI).

C80.6. ♂, MD: Anne Arundel Co., Milt’s Pit 4 mi SW Davidsonville.

C80.7. ♀, SC: Pickens Co., Clemson (CNCI).

81. Polistes sp. B

C81.1. ♀, MD: Prince George’s Co., Greenbelt, Beltsville Agricultural Res. Center.

C81.2. ♂, MD: Prince George’s Co., Patuxent Wildlife Res. Refuge, Visitor Center.

C81.3. ♀, MD: Prince George’s Co., Greenbelt, Beltsville Agricultural Res. Center.

C81.4. ♂, MD: Prince George’s Co., Largo, Hwy 214 & Church Rd.

C81.5. ♀, MD: Prince George’s Co., Greenbelt, Beltsville Agricultural Res. Center.

C81.6. ♂, MD: Prince George’s Co., Patuxent Wildlife Res. Refuge, Visitor Center.




82. Dolichovespula adulterina

C82.1. ♀, VA: Giles Co., Bald Knob.

C82.2. ♂, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C82.3. ♀, VA: Giles Co., Bald Knob.

C82.4. ♂, ON: Carleton Reg., Richmond fen.

C82.5. ♀, VA: Giles Co., Bald Knob.

C82.6. ♂, ON: Carleton Reg., Richmond fen.

C82.7. ♀, VA: Giles Co., Bald Knob.

C82.8. ♂, ON: Waterloo Reg., Erbsville.

C82.9. ♂, ON: Nipissing Distr. or Haliburton Co., Algonquin Prov. Pk., Old Railway Bike Trail, S trail head.

C82.10. ♂ live, ON: locality not given.

83. Dolichovespula arenaria

C83.1. Worker, ON: Halton Reg., Oakville.

C83.2. ♀, ON: Manitoulin Distr., Manitoulin I., Carter Bay Dunes.

C83.3. ♂, ON: Grey Co., Hepworth, Grey Sauble Authority forests.

C83.4. Worker, ON: Manitoulin Distr., Manitoulin I., Sand Bay.

C83.5. ♀, ON: Wellington Co., Arthur.

C83.6. ♂, ON: Grey Co., Hepworth, Grey Sauble Authority Forests.

C83.7. Worker, ON: Kent Co., Rondeau Prov. Pk.

C83.8. ♀, VA: Montgomery Co., Poverty Creek Trail.

C83.9. ♂, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Turkey Point.

C83.10. Nest, ON: Wellington Co., Fergus.

C83.11. Worker live, ON: Bruce Co., Dunks Bay.

84. Dolichovespula maculata

C84.1. Worker, ON: Waterloo Reg., Cambridge, Sudden Tract.

C84.2. ♀, ON: Essex Co., Windsor.

C84.3. ♂, ON: Lambton Co., Sarnia, Clearwater Nature Trail.

C84.4. Worker, ON: Hastings Co., Purdy.

C84.5. ♀, ON: Algoma Distr., Thessalon.

C84.6. ♂, ON: Manitoulin Distr., Killarney Prov. Pk.

C84.7. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Wylde Lk. Bog 8 km E. Arthur.

C84.8. ♀, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C84.9. ♂, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C84.10. Workers live, ON: Lambton Co., Pinery Prov. Pk.

C84.11. Nest, ON: Wellington Co., Fergus.

85. Dolichovespula norvegicoides

C85.1. Worker, ON: Nipissing Distr., Algonquin Prov. Pk., Arowhon Rd.

C85.2. ♀, ON: Thunder Bay Distr., Neys Prov. Pk.

C85.3. ♂, ON: Nipissing Distr., Algonquin Prov. Pk., Lake Travers Rd.

C85.4. Worker, ON: Sudbury Distr., Chapleau, Racine Lk.

C85.5. ♀, ON: Sudbury Distr., Chapleau, Racine Lk.

C85.6. ♂, ON: Bruce Co., Tobermory, Dunks Bay.

C85.7. Worker, ON: Nipissing Distr., Algonquin Prov. Pk., Arowhon Rd.

C85.8. ♀, ON: Sudbury Distr., Chapleau, Racine Lk., Lowbush.

C85.9. ♂, ON: Muskoka Distr., Dwight.

C85.10. Worker live, ON: Bruce Co., Dunks Bay.

86. Dolichovespula norwegica

C86.1. Worker, YT: Dempster Hwy km 466.

C86.2. ♀, YK: Richardson Mts, 5 km SSW Mount Hare, 800 m.

C86.3. ♂, YT: Dempster Hwy km 450, 67°0’N 136°12’W (ROME).

C86.4. Worker, YT: Dempster Hwy km 466.

C86.5. ♀, YT: Klondike Hwy at McCabe Cr., 62°32’N 136°46’W (ROME).

C86.6. ♂, YT: Dempster Hwy km 450, 67°0’N 136°12’W (ROME).

C86.7. Worker, YT: “Erebia Ck.”, 67°58’N, 136°29’W.

C86.8. ♀, YT: Dempster Hwy. km 72 at Tombstone Campground, North Klondike R., 63°31’N 138°13’W (ROME).

C86.9. ♂, YT: Dempster, Hwy. km 450; 67°00’N 36°12’W (ROME).



87. Vespa crabro

C87.1. Worker, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., 4 km S of Canfield.

C87.2. ♀, VA: Montgomery Co., Pandapas Pond.

C87.3. ♂, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Canfield.

C87.4. Worker, ON: Frontenac Co., Sharbot Lake.

C87.5. ♀, VA: Montgomery Co., Pandapas Pond.

C87.6. ♂, NY: Tompkins Co., Ithaca.

C87.7. Worker, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., 4 km S of Canfield.

C87.8. ♀, VA: Montgomery Co., Pandapas Pond.

C87.9. ♂, NY: Tompkins Co., Ithaca.

C87.10. ♀ live, VA: Montgomery Co., Pandapas Pond.



88. Vespula acadica

C88.1. Worker, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C88.2. ♀, ON: Bruce Co., Dorcas Bay.

C88.3. ♂, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C88.4. Worker, ON: Sudbury Distr., Chapleau, Racine Lk.

C88.5. ♀, ON: Kenora Distr., Ignace.

C88.6. ♂, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C88.7. Worker, ON: Manitoulin Distr., Manitoulin I., Square Bay.

C88.8. ♀, ON: Dufferin Co., Primrose.

C88.9. ♂, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C88.10. Worker, ON: Sudbury Distr., Chapleau, Racine Lk.

C88.11. Worker, PA: Clearfield Co., Lanse, 1600 ft.

C88.12. Worker, ON: Bruce Co., Dorcas Bay.

C88.13. Worker live, MA: Worcester Co., Petersham (© T. Murray, see also Bugguide).

89. Vespula austriaca

C89.1. ♀, ON: Thunder Bay Distr., Sleeping Giant Prov. Pk., Sifting Lk. Trail.

C89.2. ♂, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Turkey Point Prov. Pk.

C89.3. ♀, ON: Thunder Bay Distr., Sleeping Giant Prov. Pk., Sifting Lk. Trail.

C89.4. ♂, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Turkey Point Prov. Pk.

C89.5. ♀, ON: Thunder Bay Distr., Sleeping Giant Prov. Pk., Sifting Lk. Trail.

C89.6. ♂, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Turkey Point Prov. Pk.

90. Vespula consobrina

C90.1. Worker, ON: Manitoulin Distr., Manitoulin I., Portage Bay.

C90.2. ♀, ON: Manitoulin Distr., Manitoulin I., Carter Bay.

C90.3. ♂, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C90.4. Worker, ON: Manitoulin Distr., Manitoulin I., Portage Bay.

C90.5. ♀, ON: Sudbury Distr., Chapleau, Racine Lk.

C90.6. ♂, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C90.7. Worker, ON: Manitoulin Distr., Manitoulin I., Portage Bay.

C90.8. ♀, ON: Manitoulin Distr., Manitoulin I., Carter Bay.

C90.9. ♂, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C90.10. Worker live, ON: Bruce Co., Dunks Bay.

91. Vespula flavopilosa

C91.1. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C91.2. ♀, ON: Hamilton-Wentworth Reg., Dundas.

C91.3. ♂, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C91.4. Worker, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Turkey Point Prov. Pk.

C91.5. ♀, VA: Montgomery Co., Pandapas Pond.

C91.6. ♂, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C91.7. Worker, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Turkey Point Prov. Pk.

C91.8. ♀, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Turkey Point.

C91.9. ♂, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., St. Williams Forestry Stn.

C91.10. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C91.11. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C91.12. Worker, ON: County/District unknown, Gold Lake.

C91.13. Worker, ON: Halton Reg., Oakville.

C91.14. Worker live, ON: Bruce Co., Dunks Bay.

92. Vespula germanica

C92.1. Worker, ON: Brant Co., Brantford Railway Prairie.

C92.2. ♀, ON: Essex Co., Windsor, Ojibway Prairie.

C92.3. ♂, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C92.4. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C92.5. ♀, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Manestar Tract.

C92.6. ♂, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C92.7. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C92.8. ♀, ON: Elgin Co., St. Thomas.

C92.9. ♂, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C92.10. Worker, ON: Peel Reg., Mississauga, Erindale Park.

C92.11. Worker, ON: Waterloo Reg., Kitchener, Doon Heritage Crossroads.

C92.12. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C92.13. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C92.14. ♀ live, ON: Wellington Co., Fergus.

93. Vespula maculifrons

C93.1. Worker, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C93.2. ♀, ON: Lambton Co., Port Franks, Watson Property nr. L-lake.

C93.3. ♂, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C93.4. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C93.5. ♀, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Manestar Tract.

C93.6. ♂, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Manestar Tract.

C93.7. Worker, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Turkey Point Prov. Pk.

C93.8. ♀, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Manestar Tract.

C93.9. ♂, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Manestar Tract.

C93.10. Worker, NC: Wake Co., Raleigh.

C93.11. Worker, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Turkey Point Prov. Pk.

C93.12. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C93.13. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Fergus.

C93.14. ♂, ON: Waterloo Reg., Blair.

C93.15. ♂, NC: Wake Co., Raleigh.

C93.16. ♂, ON: Hamilton-Wentworth Reg., Flamborough.

C93.17. ♂, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Manestar Tract.

C93.18. Workers live, ON: Wellington Co., Fergus.

94. Vespula pensylvanica

C94.1. Worker, CA: Marin Co., Marin City.

C94.2. ♀, CA: Alpine Co., Hope Valley.

C94.3. ♂, BC: Vancouver.

C94.4. Worker, CA: Marin Co., Marin City.

C94.5. ♀, CA: Alpine Co., Hope Valley.

C94.6. ♂, BC: Vancouver.

C94.7. Worker, CA: Marin Co., Marin City.

C94.8. ♀, CA: Alpine Co., Hope Valley.

C94.9. ♂, BC: Vancouver.

C94.10. Worker live, AZ: Pima Co., Mt. Lemmon.

95. Vespula rufa

C95.1. Worker, MB: Churchill, Ramsay Creek, 58.7307°N 93.7796°W.

C95.2. ♂, MB: Churchill, Ramsay Creek, 58.7307°N 93.7796°W.

C95.3. Worker, MB, Churchill, 58°22’14”N, 93°29’40”W.

C95.4. ♀, YT: Klondike Hwy at McCabe Creek, 62°32’N 136°46’W (ROME).

C95.5. ♂, MB: Churchill, 58.3706°N 93.4944°W.

C95.6. Worker, MB, Churchill, 58.3706°N 93.4944°W.

C95.7. Worker, MB, Churchill, 58.3706°N 93.4944°W.

C95.8. Worker, MB: Churchill, 58.3706°N 93.4944°W.

C95.9. ♂, MB: Churchill, 58.3706°N 93.4944°W.

96. Vespula squamosa

C96.1. Worker, FL: Marion Co., Silver Springs Woods, Ocala Natl. For.

C96.2. ♀, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C96.3. ♂, FL: Sarasota Co., 10 km E Sarasota.

C96.4. Worker, NC: Wake Co., Raleigh.

C96.5. ♀, MS: Scott Co., Forest, Harrell Hill Prairie.

C96.6. ♂, FL: Sarasota Co., 10 km E Sarasota.

C96.7. Worker, FL: Pasco Co., Withlacoochee St. For., Croom Reserve.

C96.8. ♀, SC: Georgetown Co., Hobcaw Barony, Belle Baruch Marine Field Lab.

C96.9. ♂, FL: Sarasota Co., 10 km E Sarasota.

C96.10. ♂ live, FL: Sarasota Co., Myakka River St. Pk.

97. Vespula vidua

C97.1. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C97.2. ♀, VA: Giles Co., Cascades Rec. Area.

C97.3. ♂, ON: Hamilton-Wentworth Reg., Flamborough.

C97.4. Worker, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Turkey Point Prov. Pk.

C97.5. ♀, ON: Haldimand-Norfolk Reg., Manestar Tract.

C97.6. ♂, ON: Kent Co., Rondeau Prov. Pk.

C97.7. Worker, ON: Northumberland Co., Murray Hills.

C97.8. ♀, ON: Lambton Co., Port Franks, Watson Property Near L-lake.

C97.9. ♂, ON: Hamilton-Wentworth Reg., Flamborough.

C97.10. ♂ live, ON: Wellington Co., Rockwood.

98. Vespula vulgaris

C98.1. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C98.2. ♀, ON: Sudbury or Algoma Distr., 60 km N Espanola.

C98.3. ♂, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C98.4. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C98.5. ♀, ON: Dufferin Co., Mono Cliffs Prov. Pk.

C98.6. ♂, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C98.7. Worker, ON: Bruce Co., Inverhuron Prov. Pk.

C98.8. ♀, ON: Sudbury or Algoma Distr., 60 km N Espanola.

C98.9. ♂, ON: Halton Reg., Georgetown.

C98.10. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C98.11. Worker, ON: Grey Co., Owen Sound.

C98.12. Worker, ON: Dufferin Co., Primrose.

C98.13. Worker, ON: Wellington Co., Guelph.

C98.14. Worker live, ON: Bruce Co., Dunks Bay.


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