ISSN 1911-2173

Parasitoids – Ichneumonidae

Megarhyssa atrata – Megarhyssa greeni – Megarhyssa macrura – Megarhyssa nortoni –– Rhyssa alaskensis – Rhyssa creveiri – Rhyssa hoferi – Rhyssa hoferi –– Rhyssa howdenorum – Rhyssa lineola – Rhyssa persuasoria – Rhyssa ponderosae –– Pseudorhyssa nigricornis Megarhyssa atrata adults have been captured from mid May to early August. The main flight period is in June. The species is divided into two subspecies. The range of M. atrata atrata is from Wyoming, Minnesota to Massachusetts in […]

Parasitoids – Ibaliidae

Parasitoids – Ibaliidae Ibalia anceps – Ibalia arizonica – Ibalia kirki – Ibalia leucospoides – Ibalia montana – Ibalia ruficollis – – Ibalia rufipes Ibalia anceps adults have been captured from mid April to late July and, rarely, in early September (Smith and Schiff 2002). Their main flight period, from between early June to mid-July, is well ahead of the Tremex columba flight. The range is from Minnesota and Nova Scotia […]