Dufourea monardae (Viereck, 1924)
Dufourea monardae Female |
Dufourea monardae Male |
Conohalictoides monardae Viereck, 1924: 14 (♂, ♀ description).
Diagnosis.The main diagnostic characters of this species are the longer head, parallel sided mid basitarsus, mid tibial spur less than half as long as mid basitarsus, and absence of erect bristles on tongue. Those observed in the male: hind trochanter ventrally convex, S5 with apical margin straight, and S6 with non-carinate sublateral swellings. This species is most similar to D. novaeangliae iin its small size and long head, however the latter has a convex outer margin on mid basitarsus, mid tibial spur more than ¾ as long as mid basitarsus, and presence of erect bristles on the tongue; the male has S5 with apical margin deeply concave and S6 with carinate sublateral swellings.
FEMALE: Length 6.5-7 mm.
Dufourea monardae female head
1) head longer than broad, 0.88:1; compound eyes subparallel; OVD = 1.5MOD, OOD = 2.5MOD, IOD = 2.5MOD. 2) supraclypeal area protuberant, especially between antennae; clypeus about twice as broad as long, strongly protuberant; labrum much broader than long, largely exposed by the closed mandibles. 3) mandible bi-dentate. 4) genal area above narrower than compound eye, becoming very narrowed below. 5) pubescence white, and sparse on supraclypeal, paraocular, vertexal, and genal areas, longest on genal area; dark erect hairs short on frontal area and long on clypeus; mixed pale and dark hairs on scape. 6) head shiny, area just below ocelli very finely and closely punctate (1-2pd); punctures very sparse on paraocular area (3-5pd), becoming more densely and finely punctate on lower paraocular area, especially around antennal socket; supraclypeal area shiny, strongly protuberant, with dense fine punctures laterally and basally between antennae (1-2pd), becoming sparse medially and apically; punctures of clypeus considerably coarser and rather sparse (>2pd) becoming nearly impunctate apically, surface shiny; punctures of vertexal area close, but considerably deeper and more distinct than those below ocelli (1-2pd), becoming minute, rather vague and obscure on upper part of genal area (>2pd), lower part smooth, shiny and nearly impunctate. 7) IAD subequal to AOD, antennal socket separated from upper margin of clypeus by no more than its diameter, segments of flagellum slightly broader than long or about as broad as long except for F1 and F10, longer than broad.
8) pubescence very thin, short, entirely white, longest on mesopleuron, lateral and posterior propodeal areas, and lateral mesoscutellum. 9) mesoscutum shiny with punctures of two sizes, smaller punctures more dense (1-2pd), larger punctures separated by >2pd, punctation dense apically and laterally between parapsidal line and tegula, separated by
13) terga smooth and shiny; T1 finely and sparsely punctate; T2-T3 with punctures of two sizes, minute punctures more dense than larger ones, larger punctures well separated laterally (>4pd) becoming more dense medially (2-3pd), apical impressed areas impunctate; T4-T5 more coarsely punctate, punctures only of larger size; discal pubescence short on T1-T3, mostly pale, becoming dark and dense on T4-T5, entire disc of T5 with long hairs. 14) sterna somewhat imbricate, basally impunctate, punctures on apical third separated by 1-2pd, apical margin medially impunctate on S1-S5; apical pubescence pale, thin, and erect.
MALE: Length 6-7 mm.
Dufourea monardae male head
1) head longer than broad, 0.87:1; compound eyes short relative to head length, very slightly convergent below; OVD = 1.5MOD, OOD = 2MOD, IOD = 2MOD. 2) supraclypeal area protuberant, especially between antennae; clypeus strongly protuberant, broader than long, entire length below level of compound eyes; labrum broader than long. 3) genal area slightly narrower than compound eye, much narrowed below. 4) mandible bi-dentate. 5) pubescence white and long on clypeus, supraclypeal area, and vertex; short and dark erect hairs on frontal area and paraocular area; mixed pale and dark hairs on scape; supraclypeal area densely pubescent with vertical fringe between antennae, extending to bare depressed area above antenna. 6) face shiny, punctures deep and distinct, fine and close medially below ocelli (2pd); area above antennae centrally depressed, dull and impunctate; supraclypeal area with dense punctures beneath dense pubescence (≤1pd), becoming impunctate near apical margin and on lateral corners; punctures on clypeus coarser and larger than those on supraclypeal area, quite close basally (≤1pd) becoming sparser toward apical margin (>2pd); vertexal area shiny, punctures minute and well separated medially (2-3pd), becoming deeper, more distinct and close laterally (
8) pubesence entirely pale and thin, longest on mesoscutellum and mesopleuron; metanotum and lateral propodeal surface bare. 9) mesoscutum shiny, punctures separated by 1-2pd, becoming slightly sparser apically; mesoscutellum convex, medially depressed, punctures deep and coarse (1-2pd); mesopleuron shiny, puncture of two sizes, small punctures very fine and quite sparse (>3pd), dense on posterior margin (~1pd), larger punctures deeper and most evident anteriorly (
13) terga smooth and shiny, punctures of two sizes, small punctures extremely fine and well separated basally (3-5pd), becoming largely absent apically, larger punctures deeper and more separated on T1-T3 (>4pd) but denser on T4-T6 (2-3pd); impressed apical areas entirely impunctate, somewhat reddened and hyaline; discal pubescence short, more conspicuous laterally, mostly pale with some erect dark hairs on T4-T6, especially on apical areas. 14) S1-S4 simple and unmodified, apical margin of S5 very slightly concave, S6 with a sublateral swellings and a short, medioapical process.
Genitalia: Dorsal view
Ventral view
Dufourea monardae genitalia, dorsal view
Dufourea monardae genitalia, ventral view
In Canada, this species is known from only a few specimens in southern Ontario (Caledon, St. Catharines, St. Lawrence Islands National Park) (see Map).
Map: Canadian distribution of Dufourea monardae