Dichotomous and matrix-based keys to the Ips bark beetles of the World (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
CJAI 38 — May XX, 2019
Hume B. Douglas, Anthony I. Cognato, Vasily Grebennikov, and Karine Savard
| Abstract | Introduction | Materials & Methods | Checklist | Results | Glossary | Dichotomous Key to Adults | Acknowledgments | References | PDF | Cite |
Key to Ips adults
In some case multiple identification paths were necessary because of observed intraspecific variation. In other cases species were scored as having additional character states because observed morphology was too close to the dividing line between character states to assign specimens reliably to one state or the other. Although these divergent interpretations of morphology sometimes contradict published descriptions they do not necessarily imply that those descriptions are incorrect. Identification of some Ips specimens remains difficult despite these steps. Users should compare identifications carefully to the fact sheet for that species or other taxonomic literature where indicated to maximize identification quality. Both keys are intended for use with single specimens (or partial specimens) of unknown origin for use with samples from traps or international plant quarantine interceptions. However, morphological information from both sexes, tree host species and geographic origin can all help improve accuracy of identifications.