ISSN 1911-2173

Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification

Dichotomous and matrix-based keys to the Ips bark beetles of the World (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)

CJAI 38 — June 27, 2019


Hume B. Douglas, Anthony I. Cognato, Vasily Grebennikov, and Karine Savard



Materials & Methods

Specimens were examined from the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes (CNC, Ottawa, Canada), Michigan State University: A.J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection (MSUC, E. Lansing, Michigan, USA), and the collection of Miloš Knížek, Prague, Czech Republic. Specimens used to generate the key were previously identified by A. Cognato, D. Bright, and M. Knížek. Twenty to 100 specimens per species were examined for all species except for the following, for which only 1 to 10 specimens were available: I. chinensis, I. hauseri, I. longifolia, I. pilifrons thatcheri, I. schmutzenhoferi, I. shangrila, I. stebbingi, I. subelongatus. Sarah Smith and the USA National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. provided images of the holotype of I. pilifrons thatcheri. Specimens were photographed using a Leica M205c stereoscope and multifocus images assembled using Leica LAS 4.8 software. Pale specimens were favoured for photography to increase visual contrast of spines and punctures against background integument. The key and species descriptions were built using LUCID 3.6 software. Primary type specimens were not examined, so morphological summaries in associated fact sheets should be considered as diagnostic tools only.

Measurements: elytral disc punctures are measured across the steepest part of the puncture walls on the midlength of the flatter anterior half elytra on interstriae 2 and 3; interstriae (also on disc) are bounded by the steepest parts of adjacent strial punctures. Measurement values presented in parentheses are considered outliers, showing rare variations of size or proportion. Males and females were treated separately in keys and fact sheets where external morphology of sexes was found to differ.