Bees of the Genus Dufourea Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Rophitinae) of Canada*
CJAI 20 May 11, 2012
Sheila Dumesh1**, Cory S. Sheffield2
1Department of Biology, York University 4700 Keele St., Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
2Royal Saskatchewan Museum, 2340 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4P 2V7
* This paper is contribution #13 from the Canadian Pollination Initiative. **Corresponding Author.
Abstract | Introduction | Key to Species | Species | Acknowledgements | References | PDF |
Dufourea Lepeletier is the only representative of the subfamily Rophitinae in Canada. An illustrated key to females and males of the eight Canadian species is provided, and each is described; the male of D. fimbriata, and females of D. holocyanea and D. maura are described for the first time. Most Dufourea are floral specialists, so their presence within habitats is determined by that of their host. Floral hosts and known distributions of Dufourea in Canada are provided.

Dufourea monardae Photo by Cory S. Sheffield