Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Alberta: A key to species
based primarily on the worker caste
CJAI 22 July 4, 2013
James R.N. Glasier1, John H. Acorn2, Scott E. Nielsen2, and Heather Proctor3
1 Corresponding author: Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G
2H1 jglasier@ualberta.ca
2 Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2H1 john.acorn@ales.ualberta.ca, scott.nielsen@ales.ualberta.ca
3 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2E9 hproctor@ualberta.ca
| Abstract | Introduction | Materials | Discussion | Checklist | Glossary | Species Key | Acknowledgments | References | PDF (11MB) | Cite this Article |
We would especially like to thank Robert Higgins, not only for specimens, but for an extremely helpful and thorough review of this manuscript. For comments on earlier drafts of the key, we thank Tyler Cobb, Jeffery Newton, and John Spence. Thank you to all the following for help in the field, with museum specimens, and other assistance on this project: Melissa Baron, Colin Bergeron, Matthias Buck, Alfred Buschinger, Ralph Cartar, Carl Conradi, Sean Coogan, Gordon Court, Brian Fisher, Andre Francoeur, Ken Fry, Alicia Glasier, Linda Glasier, Christie Kneteman, Caroline LeCourtois, Darin Molinaro, Danny Shpeley, Felix Sperling, Sonya Odsen, John Swann, Jeff Proudfoot, Mike Yang, and the ants themselves. Thank you to Brian Fisher and www.antweb.org, for allowing us to link the key to their images to help improve identification of specimens.
Funding for this work was provided by Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) Grant in Biodiversity and the Development Initiatives Program via Alberta Sports, Recreation, Parks, and Wildlife Foundation both of which were given to James R.N. Glasier.