ISSN 1911-2173

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Revision of the World species of Xeris Costa (Hymenoptera: Siricidae)

Henri Goulet1, Caroline Boudreault1 and Nathen M. Schiff2

1K. W. Neatby Building, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6, Canada (e-mail:,

2USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research, Stoneville,
MS 38776, USA (e–mail:

Xeris is one of ten extant genera of Siricidae known as as woodwasps or horntails. They are important wood-boring Hymenoptera from the Northern Hemisphere. Adults and larvae of Xeris are often intercepted at ports and are consequently of concern as potential alien invasive species.

The genus consists of 16 species with eight in the New World and eight in the Old World. Despite records of numerous intercepted specimens, no species has been accidentally established anywhere.

Five new species all by Goulet are described: Xeris degrooti n. sp., X. pallicoxae n. sp., X. umbra n. sp., X. xanthoceros, n. sp and X. xylocola n. sp. Two new synonyms are proposed: Neoxeris melanocephala Saini and Singh, 1987 = X. himalayensis Bradley, 1934 and X. indianus Vasu and Saini, 1999 = X. himalayensis Bradley, 1934. Two synonyms are upheld:Sirex nanus O. F. Müller, 1776 = X. spectrum (Linnaeus, 1758) and Sirex emarginatus Fabricius, 1793 = X. spectrum (Linnaeus, 1758). Two changes in rank from subspecies to species level are proposed: X. cobosi Viedma and Suarez from X. spectrum cobosi and X. malaisei Maa from X. spectrum malaisei.

We characterize the genus, the world species are keyed and a partial reconstructed phylogeny is proposed. For each species we include the following (if available and/or pertinent): synonymic list, type material, diagnosis, description of one or both sexes, origin of specific name, geographical variation, taxonomic notes, biological notes, hosts and phenology (emergence or flight period data), and range.

DNA barcoding (cytochrome oxidase 1 – CO1) was shown to be a reliable identification tool for adult and larval Siricidae (Schiff et al. 2012). Larvae cannot be identified using classical morphological methods, but DNA barcoding can accurately distinguish larvae of Xeris spp. We include barcodes for nine of the 16 species (one species, X. pallicoxae, could be a complex of two species based on barcodes). DNA data has been most useful for confirming morphologically similar species, associating specimens with discrete color forms, and deciding the rank of populations. The results have proved to be accurate and in agreement with almost all species determined by classical morphological methods.


Nearctic, Neotropical, Palaearctic, Oriental, Siricidae, horntails, Xeris, species key (world), distribution, biology, phylogeny, DNA barcode, Cytochrome Oxidase 1.

Table of contents Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Biology Hosts Parasitoids Morphology Key DNA References Citation Appendices PDFs