Byers 1962
Diagnosis (Adapted from Webb et al., 1975): Wings with faint yellow background color, crossveins margined. Apical band dark brown, and continuous. Pterostigmal band dark brown, continuous. Marginal spots absent. Male terminalia dark yellow to brown. Ninth tergum emarginate. Hypovalve broad and rounded apically, ending before base of dististyle. Ventral paramere elongate, narrow, unbranched, barbed, reaching base of dististyle. Basistyle broad with 2 to 3 thick setae near the base of dististyle. Dististyle smaller than basistyle.
Although Webb et al. (1975) describe this species as the most abundant and widely distributed North American Panorpa, with a range extending from Georgia and Massachusetts west to Manitoba, it is apparently an uncommon species in Ontario , represented by only 3 specimens in the University of Guelph Insect collection and 9 specimens in Canadian National Collection. All of our records are from northern Ontario (Algoma District, July and August), which is surprising given the wide ecological tolerances of this species and its abundance in Michigan (Thornhill and Johnson, 1974) and Illinois (Webb et al. 1975). This is the only Canadian Panorpa species that ranges west to Manitoba, but it does not occur in Quebec (Aranguren 1987). |