Carpenter 1931
Diagnosis (Adapted from Webb et al., 1975): Wings with clear background color, crossveins not margined. Apical band dark brown and continuous. Pterostigmal band pale to dark brown, continuous. Marginal spots absent. Male terminalia brown. Ninth tergum emarginate. Hypovalve broad and divergent, reaching near base of dististyle. Ventral paramere elongate, narrow, unbranched, barbed; reaching apices of dististyle. Dististyle almost entirely covered by basi-medial lobes. Dististyle larger than basistyle.
Panorpa mirabilis has a relatively northern range including New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan, and it is described as a “very common species” throughout Michigan by Thornhill and Johnson (1974). Ontario records of this species are from the southern part of the province, with the northernmost locality in Wellington Co. (Guelph). All Ontario records are from June and July.