ISSN 1911-2173


Westwood 1842

Diagnosis (Adapted from Webb et al., 1975):
Wings with clear background color, crossveins not margined. Apical band dark brown, broad anteriorly and narrowed posteriorly, sometimes interrupted with clear spots. Pterostigmal band brown, continuous and usually forked. Marginal spots variable. Male terminalia reddish brown. Ninth tergum emarginate. Hypovalve narrow, elongate, reaching near base of dististyle. Ventral paramere elongate, narrow, unbranched, barbed, reaching between dististyles. Dististyle with two large lobes. Dististyle large, similar size to basistyle.

P. subfurcata is a widespread northeastern species ranging from North Carolina to north of Lake Superior and much of eastern Canada. It is the most commonly collected and the most widespread scorpionfly in Ontario, where it is a characteristic species of mesic forests and floodplains from June until September.