Euaesthetines can be recognized by the globular eyes that are located at the hind margin of the head (Fig.1.10.1), antennae that end in a two-segmented club, thin mandibles without teeth on apical half, and a swollen second last maxillary palpomere (Fig. 1.10.2). Euaesthetines are also distinctive for their relatively small size: the largest in ECAS are 2.3mm long (Fig. 9.2.1).
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This subfamily is widespread in North America, with two western endemic genera; three genera are known from ECAS. The most diverse is Euaesthetus Gravenhorst (Fig. 9.2.2), which can be found in leaf litter, moist fields, and wet meadows dominated by sedges, where they often co-exist with the related Steninae. Stictocranius puncticeps LeConte is the only eastern species of the genus and can be found in leaf litter. Several species of Edaphus Motschulsky are known from the northeastern US but are not yet recorded from Canada although they likely occur in the Carolinian forests of southern Ontario and Appalachian forests of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Edaphus occur in leaf and wood debris, treeholes, and stumps in moist forests (Puthz 1974). All members of this subfamily are best collected by sifting litter and then processing it in a Berlese funnel, but can also be captured by pan and pitfall trapping. Euaesthetines are predators of small invertebrates but their exact diet is unknown.
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