ISSN 1911-2173


Platydracus femoratus (Fabricius 1801)

Figure 7.1.1 Platydracus femoratus (Fabricius), forebody. 11.11.1 P. femoratus, dorsal habitus.


Platydracus femoratus is easily recognized by the large eyes, which are about twice as long as the temple (Fig. 7.1.1). Although the specimen figured in Fig. 11.11.1 has its abdominal apex paler, most North American individuals of this species have a uniformly coloured abdomen.


Platydracus femoratus is distributed broadly from Pennsylvania to Brazil, but occurs only sporadically in ECAS (Map 15); it is unlikely that it will be encountered in Canada.  Individuals collected in ECAS are probably migrants from the southern United States where they regularly occur. This species is newly recorded from Pennsylvania:

UNITED STATES: PA: Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh, 40.43 -80.00, 15-V-1961, Legerman, 1 (CMNH); Tarentum (4km N), 40.6 -79.77, 7-VII-1991, W. Zanol, 1 (CMNH). Franklin Co., Mount Alto, 39.85 -77.55, Schaeffer, 1 (CUIC). Philadelphia Co., Chestnut Hill, 40.07 -75.2, 24-VIII, 1 (MCZ); Mount Airy, 40.07 -75.18, VII-1935, 1 (FMNH).

Adjacent U.S.: IN, OH, PA

Specimens in ECAS have been taken in May to October with no apparent pattern in seasonality.



This species is most frequent at dung but also often occurs on carrion. Several specimens have been collected in rotting fruit and at lights.