Dinothenaus capitatus Someone 1917 |
Variation. Fore wing length 8.0–9.0 mm (♂♂), 9.0–11.0 mm (♀♀). Female clypeus with a pair of yellow dorsal spots, completely black in about one third of specimens; male clypeus yellow, with narrow black or brownish apical margin, sometimes with a small black apical spot, or with a pair of irregular discal spots. Female scape below more or less ferruginous, brownish, or dirty yellow, sometimes partially bright yellow. Mesopleuron usually completely black, in some females with a small yellow dorsal spot. Tegula translucent reddish except black basal section, rarely with small and often obscure yellow spots anteriorly and/or posteriorly. Hind margin of parategula often narrowly obscure reddish. Terga 1 and 2 with apical fasciae, in male sometimes also with narrow, subinterrupted fasciae on terga 3 and 4, in female rarely with a pair of spots in posterolateral corners. Apical fascia of tergum 1 usually expanded forward near lateral margin. Sternum 2 with a pair of yellow spots in posterolateral corners, posterolateral spots on sternum 3 often present in male, rarely in female, the following sterna up to sternum 6 rarely spotted as well in male.
sdfsdfasdfsafsds sa sadfasd asdfVariation. Fore wing length 8.0–9.0 mm (♂♂), 9.0–11.0 mm (♀♀). Female clypeus with a pair of yellow dorsal spots, completely black in about one third of specimens; male clypeus yellow, with narrow black or brownish apical margin, sometimes with a small black apical spot, or with a pair of irregular discal spots. Female scape below more or less ferruginous, brownish, or dirty yellow, sometimes partially bright yellow. Mesopleuron usually completely black, in some females with a small yellow dorsal spot. Tegula translucent reddish except black basal section, rarely with small and often obscure yellow spots anteriorly and/or posteriorly. Hind margin of parategula often narrowly obscure reddish. Terga 1 and 2 with apical fasciae, in male sometimes also with narrow, subinterrupted fasciae on terga 3 and 4, in female rarely with a pair of spots in posterolateral corners. Apical fascia of tergum 1 usually expanded forward near lateral margin. Sternum 2 with a pair of yellow spots in posterolateral corners, posterolateral spots on sternum 3 often present in male, rarely in female, the following sterna up to sternum 6 rarely spotted as well in male. |
sadfadsfsd sa sd sd sad f Variation. Fore wing length 8.0–9.0 mm (♂♂), 9.0–11.0 mm (♀♀). Female clypeus with a pair of yellow dorsal spots, completely black in about one third of specimens; male clypeus yellow, with narrow black or brownish apical margin, sometimes with a small black apical spot, or with a pair of irregular discal spots. Female scape below more or less ferruginous, brownish, or dirty yellow, sometimes partially bright yellow. Mesopleuron usually completely black, in some females with a small yellow dorsal spot. Tegula translucent reddish except black basal section, rarely with small and often obscure yellow spots anteriorly and/or posteriorly. Hind margin of parategula often narrowly obscure reddish. Terga 1 and 2 with apical fasciae, in male sometimes also with narrow, subinterrupted fasciae on terga 3 and 4, in female rarely with a pair of spots in posterolateral corners. Apical fascia of tergum 1 usually expanded forward near lateral margin. Sternum 2 with a pair of yellow spots in posterolateral corners, posterolateral spots on sternum 3 often present in male, rarely in female, the following sterna up to sternum 6 rarely spotted as well in male. |