Phymata saileri Kormilev, 1957
Figs 17A–E, 20O, 21P. Map 15.
Phymata saileri Kormilev, 1957
Kormilev, 1957: p133 (original description); Kormilev, 1962: p472 (revision); Henry and Froeschner, 1988: p604 (catalog); Froeschner and Kormilev, 1989: p58 (catalog)
Diagnosis: Recognized from other species of the Nearctic erosa group by the following combination of characters:(1) abundance of setaceous granulation on thorax and forefemur, (2) strongly crenulated pronotal and connexival margins, and (3) the darkened (black or brown) head, thorax, and forelegs of both males and females.
Redescription: Male: Medium to large, total length: ~8.01 mm, width across lateral angles of pronotum: ~2.86 mm. STRUCTURE: HEAD (Fig. 17A): distiflagellomere of male shorter than pedicel + basiflagellomere. THORAX (Figs 17A,C,D, 20O): thoracic surface glossy; anterior pronotal disk with elongated setaceous granulation; posterior pronotal disk rugose; area between lateral pronotal notch and longitudinal carina of the posterior pronotal lobe with a distinct granulation patch; longitudinal carina with prominent knoblike tubercle; lateral margin of anterior pronotal lobe keeled and regular; lateral notch of medium depth; lateral margin of pronotum from lateral notch to lateral angle heavily crenulated with prominent tubercles; lateral angle prominent and acute; posterior angle prominent and acute; lateral surface of forefemur heavily granulated; lateral surface of thorax heavily granulated; forewing membrane brown, cloudy, never hyaline. ABDOMEN (Fig. 17B): posterior corners of connexiva of abdominal segments 2–4 strongly serrate or dentiform; lateral margins of connexiva of abdominal segments 4–5 sinuous; lateral margins of connexiva of abdominal segments 3–6 heavily granulated; connexivum of abdominal segment 5 twice as wide as connexivum of abdominal segment 4; connexivum of abdominal segment 6 trapezoidal, anterior margin roughly twice as wide as posterior margin. COLORATION (Figs 17A,B,D): variable; anterior pronotal lobe usually with dark marking; forefemur darkened; corium with a conspicuous transverse band. Female: Medium, total length: ~8.08 mm, width across lateral angles of pronotum: ~3.03 mm. COLORATION (Figs 17A,B,C,E): very similar to that of male with forefemur darkened brown or black
Biology: This rare species is endemic to the Chihuahuan Desert and has been found on blooming acacia (Senegalia Raf.). Specimens have been collected at elevations ranging between 1,411–1,579 m above sea level.
Distribution: This species has been collected in Arizona.
Discussion: Phymata saileri is the only species of the Nearctic erosa group where both the male and female have almost completely darkened lateral surfaces of head and thorax and black forelegs. It should be noted that the specimen of P. saileri reported by Swanson (2019) from Sierra County, New Mexico should actually be referred to as P. rossi (Swanson, pers. comm. 2020).
Identification remarks: These additional characters help to separate P. saileri from other desert taxa: (1) glossy cuticle of the pronotum, (2) rugose posterior pronotal disc, (3) posteriorly directed lateral and posterior pronotal angles, and (4) sinuous margin of connexivum of abdominal segment 5.
Type information: Kormilev’s holotype was examined and is deposited in the United States National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C.
HOLOTYPE: ♀, USA: Arizona: Oracle, 29 Jun [year not indicated], (UCR_ENT 00008105), (USNM). Fig. 21P.
Additional material examined: See Appendix; 3 specimens, 1 adult male and 2 adult females.