Fig 108 (a). Ptilonyssus cerchneis female dorsal habitus.
Fig 108 (b). Ptilonyssus cerchneis female dorsum.
Fig 108 (c). Ptilonyssus cerchneis female venter.
North American host records:
Falco sparverius, American Kestrel (Strandtmann 1962; Pence 1975; Knee et al. 2008)
Diagnostic characteristics:
– two dorsal shields, podosomal and pygidial shields- pygidial shield in two fragments without subposterior setal pair on the fragments
– posterior margin of podosomal shield is trilobed
– dorsal opisthosoma with narrow area of thickened cuticle
– serrated deutosternal teeth in a single file
– st1 on with st2 and st3 off the sternal shield
– subapical ventral setal pair on tarsus IV are relatively long strong spikes
– six pairs of ventral opisthosomal setae
– three pairs of mesolateral setae
– subposterior pair of dorsal podosomal setae are longer than the longest mesolateral setae
– paranal setae posterior to anal opening, postanal seta absent
Fain, A. 1957. Les acariens des familles Epidermoptidae et Rhinonyssidae parasites des fosses nasales
d’oiseaux au Ruanda-Urundi et au Congo Belge. Annales du Musee Royal du Congo Belge
Tervuren, 60: 1-174.
Knee, W., Proctor, H., and Galloway, T. 2008. Survey of nasal mites (Rhinonyssidae, Ereynetidae,
and Turbinoptidae) associated with birds in Alberta and Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Entomologist,
140: 364-379.Pence, D.B. 1975. Keys, species and host list, and bibliography for nasal mites of
North American birds (Acarina: Rhinonyssinae, Turbinoptinae,
Speleognathinae, and Cytoditidae). Special Publications of the Museum Texas
Tech University, 8: 1-148.
Strandtmann, R.W. 1962. A ptilonyssid mite from the sparrow hawk, Falco sparverius.
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 64: 100-102.