ISSN 1911-2173

Fig 101 (a). Ptilonyssus morofskyi female dorsal habitus.

Fig 101 (b). Ptilonyssus morofskyi female dorsum.

Fig 101 (c). Ptilonyssus morofskyi female venter.

North American host records:
Ammodramus maritimus, Seaside Sparrow (Pence 1972, 1975)
Calamospiza melanocorys, Lark Bunting (Spicer 1978)
Calcarius ornatus, Chestnut-collared Longspur (Spicer 1978)
Dendroica coronata, Yellow-rumped Warbler (Spicer 1987)
Junco hyemalis, Dark-eyed Junco (Pence 1975; Spicer 1978; Knee et al. 2008)
Melospiza georgiana, Swamp Sparrow (Pence 1972, 1975)
Melospiza melodia, Song Sparrow (Pence 1975)
Passerculus sandwichensis, Savannah Sparrow (Hyland 1962; Pence 1975)
Passerella iliaca, Fox Sparrow (Pence 1975; Knee et al. 2008)
Pipilo erythrophthalmus, Eastern Towhee (Pence 1972, 1975)
Plectrophenax nivalis, Snow Bunting (Knee et al. 2008)
Pooecetes gramineus, Vesper Sparrow (Pence 1972, 1975)
Spizella pusilla, Field Sparrow (Pence 1975)
Zonotrichia albicollis, White-throated Sparrow (Pence 1972, 1975; Spicer 1987)
Zonotrichia leucophrys, White-crowned Sparrow (Spicer 1978)
Zonotrichia querula, Harris’s Sparrow (Spicer 1977, 1987)

Carduelis flammea, Common Redpoll (Knee et al. 2008)
Carduelis tristis, American Goldfinch (Hyland 1962; Pence 1975; Knee et al. 2008)

Dendroica coronata, Yellow-rumped Warbler (Pence 1972, 1975)
Dendroica pinus, Pine Warbler (Pence 1972, 1975; Knee et al. 2008)
Geothlypis trichas, Common Yellowthroat (Pence 1972, 1975)
Seiurus motacilla, Louisiana Waterthrush (Pence 1972, 1975)
Setophaga ruticilla, American Redstart (Knee et al. 2008)
Vermivora peregrina, Tennessee Warbler (Knee et al. 2008)
Wilsonia pusilla, Wilson’s Warbler (Spicer 1978)

Diagnostic characteristics:
– two dorsal shields, podosomal and fused opisthosomal and pygidial shields- sternal shield wider than long
– posterior margin of podosomal shield is straight
– opisthosomal shield is longer than wide, but not twice as long as wide
– lateral excavation of the posterior portion of the opisthosomal shield
– posterior margin of opisthosomal shield is rounded
– anterior margin of opisthosomal shield is either straight, or medially straight with anterolateral projections
– st1 st2 and st3 on the sternal shield
– subapical ventral setal pair on tarsus IV are one short filamentous spike and one short partially inflated bulb
– four or five pairs of ventral opisthosomal setae
– three pairs of mesolateral setae
– mesolateral setae all approximately equal in length, there are not two pairs of setae that are twice as long as another setal pair
– subposterior pair of dorsal podosomal setae are as long or almost as long as the longest mesolateral setae
– paranal setae level with anal opening, paranal and postanal setae are unequal in length

Hyland, K.E. 1962. Two new nasal mites, Ptilonyssus morofskyi, n.sp., and Sternostoma
 n.sp., from North American birds (Acarina; Rhinonyssidae). Bulletin of the Brooklyn
        Entomological Society, 57: 146-156.Knee, W., Proctor, H., and Galloway, T. 2008. Survey of nasal mites (Rhinonyssidae, Ereynetidae,
        and Turbinoptidae) associated with birds in Alberta and Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Entomologist,
: 364-379.Pence, D.B. 1972. The nasal mites of birds from Louisiana III. The genus Ptilonyssus
        (Dermanyssidae: Rhinonyssinae) with description of a new species. Journal of Parasitology, 58: 790-795.
Pence, D.B. 1975. Keys, species and host list, and bibliography for nasal mites of
        North American birds (Acarina: Rhinonyssinae, Turbinoptinae,
        Speleognathinae, and Cytoditidae). Special Publications of the Museum Texas
        Tech University, 8: 1-148.
Spicer, G.S. 1977. Two new nasal mites of the genus Ptilonyssus (Mesostigmata: Rhinonyssidae)
        from Texas. Acarologia, 18: 594-601.
Spicer, G.S. 1978. A new species and several new host records of avian nasal mites
        (Acarina: Rhinonyssinae, Turbinoptinae). Journal of Parasitology, 64: 891-894.
Spicer, G.S. 1987. Prevalence and host-parasite list of some nasal mites from birds (Acarina:
        Rhinonyssidae, Speleognathidae). Journal of Parasitology, 73: 259-264.
