ISSN 1911-2173

Phymata granulosa Handlirsch, 1897
    Figs 7A–E20E21G+H+LMap 5.

Phymata erosa granulosa Handlirsch, 1897
Handlirsch, 1897: p163 (original description)
Phymata granulosa Handlirsch, 1897
Melin, 1931: p15 (taxonomy); Henry and Froeschner, 1988: p603 (catalog); Froeschner and Kormilev, 1989: p52 (catalog)
Phymata granulosa granulosa Handlirsch, 1897
Kormilev, 1962: p396 (revision); Froeschner and Kormilev, 1989: p53 (catalog)
Phymata chiriquiensis Melin, 1931
Melin, 1931: p18 (taxonomy)
Phymata granulosa chiriquiensis Melin, 1931 syn. nov.
Kormilev, 1962: p398 (revision)
Phymata granulosa evansi Kormilev, 1962 syn. nov.
Kormilev, 1962: p399 (original description); Froeschner and Kormilev, 1989: p53 (catalog)

Diagnosis: Recognized from other species of the Nearctic erosa group by the following combination of characters: (1) the relatively large size (~8–10 mm), (2) abundance of setaceous granulation on the anterior pronotal disc, lateral thoracic surface, and on forefemur, with heavy, low granulation scattered across other areas of the body, and (3) lateral margins of connexiva of abdominal segments 3–6 relatively smooth, not roughly crenulated.

Redescription: Male: Medium to large, total length: ~7.89–9.52 mm, width across lateral angles of pronotum: ~3.18–3.78 mm. STRUCTURE: HEAD (Fig. 7A): distiflagellomere of male shorter than pedicel + basiflagellomere. THORAX (Figs 7A,C,D, 20E): thoracic surface matte; anterior pronotal disk with elongated setaceous granulation; posterior pronotal disk punctate; area between lateral pronotal notch and longitudinal carina of the posterior pronotal lobe with a distinct granulation patch; longitudinal carina with or without prominent tubercle; lateral margin of anterior pronotal lobe not keeled; lateral notch of medium depth; lateral margin of pronotum from lateral notch to lateral angle heavily crenulated with prominent tubercles; lateral angle prominent and acute; posterior angle prominent and acute; lateral surface of forefemur heavily granulated; lateral surface of thorax heavily granulated; forewing membrane brown, cloudy, never hyaline. ABDOMEN (Fig. 7B): posterior corners of connexiva of abdominal segments 2–4 strongly serrate or dentiform; lateral margins of connexiva of abdominal segments 4–5 sinuous; lateral margins of connexiva of abdominal segments 3–6 with or without fine granulation; connexivum of abdominal segment 5 twice as wide as connexivum of abdominal segment 4; connexivum of abdominal segment 6 trapezoidal, anterior margin roughly twice as wide as posterior margin. COLORATION (Figs 7A–D): variable; anterior pronotal lobe usually with dark marking; forefemur darkened; corium with a conspicuous transverse band. Female: Large, total length: ~8.89–10.11 mm, width across lateral angles of pronotum: ~3.57–4.28 mm. COLORATION (Figs 7A,B,E): generally similar to that of males, but lighter overall; forefemur pale, never darkened.

Biology: Phymata granulosa has been collected from Fabaceae, and like many other ambush bug species, it is likely that its host range encompasses a broader spectrum than what has been recorded. Specimens have been collected at elevations ranging between 134–1,580 m above sea level.

Distribution: This species ranges across central and southern Mexico (including the Yucatan Peninsula) and deep into Central America as the holotype of Phymata granulosa chiriquiensis Melin, 1931 was collected in Panama.

Discussion: The subspecies Phymata granulosa chiriquiensis Melin, 1931 and Phymata granulosa evansi Kormilev, 1962 are here synonymized with P. granulosa. Kormilev (1957) described one subspecies (P. granulosa texasana) based on a singleton male from the Chisos Mountains of southern Texas. All other subspecies of P. granulosa were described from considerably further south in Mexico or elsewhere in Central America. Based on the holotype’s pronotal shape (very acute, posteriorly directed lateral angle), light coloration of the lateral surface of the thorax and forelegs, and its relatively small size, this specimen shares more similarities with P. rossi than P. granulosa and is thus synonymized with the former.

Identification remarks: While P. granulosaP. rossi, and P. saileri all possess an abundance of setaceous elongated granulation on their thorax and legs, P. granulosa can best be distinguished from these other taxa based on: (1) the more dorsally projected regular (right angled) lateral and posterior pronotal angles (as opposed to being more posteriorly projected and acute) and (2) relatively smooth lateral margin of the connexiva of abdominal segments 3–6, with that of segment 5 being more or less straight or slightly convex and not sinuous.

Type information: Kormilev (1962) designated a lectotype for P. granulosa that is deposited in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. Only images of this type were examined. Images of a syntype of P. granulosa chiriquiensis were also examined. Kormilev’s holotype of P. granulosa evansi was examined and is deposited in the United States National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C.
LECTOTYPE: (Phymata granulosa Handlirsch, 1897): Male: MEXICO, Sallé, (NRM). Fig. 21G. Image:
SYNTYPE: (Phymata granulosa chiriquiensis Melin, 1931): Male: PANAMA: Volcán Chiriquí, Champion
(NRM). Fig. 21H. Image:
HOLOTYPE: (Phymata granulosa evansi Kormilev, 1962): Male: MEXICO: Oaxaca: Almolaya, F. Knab, (UCR_ENT 00008096) (USNM). Fig. 21L.

Additional material examined: See Appendix; 43 specimens, including 27 adult males and 16 adult females.