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Siricidae (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Siricoidea) of the Western Hemisphere
CJAI 21, July, 2012
doi: 10.3752/cjai.2012.21
Nathan M. Schiff, Henri Goulet, David R. Smith, Caroline Boudreault, A. Dan Wilson, and Brian E. Scheffler


Structural terms

The following is intended as an overview of adult siricid structure wherein terms used in this work are defined and illustrated. Terms for structures mostly follow Huber and Sharkey (1993), but a few terms are specific to sawflies and Siricidae. English terms are used for the female genitalia for which the numerous figures in Ross (1937) were consulted. The terms used by Wong (1963) are also given in parenthesis.

The body consists of three distinct sections: the head, thorax and abdomen (lateral habitus of female Fig. A3.1 and lateral habitus of male Fig. A3.2).

The head consists of the head capsule, eye, antenna, and mouthparts (Fig. A3.1).

The thorax consists of three major sections, the prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax, including the wings and the legs.

The abdomen consists of several segments that are numbered consecutively following the thorax. Tergum 1 (first abdominal tergum, Fig. A3.3) has a deep longitudinal cleft medially, it is not fused to the metapleuron laterally and although it is fused dorsally to the thorax it is separated from it by a deep furrow along its anterior edge. Structure of the abdomen of males and females otherwise differs and for this reason they are discussed separately below.